What’s Inside A Golf Ball?

In every sport, it’s necessary to understand the equipment you’re using, and in golf, the golf ball is one of the most crucial pieces of equipment.

What's Inside A Golf Ball

However, have you ever wondered what is inside a golf ball?

The design has a big role in how well the golf ball performs while being used.

Different designs have been tried throughout history, but the one currently in use is by far the best and most effective.

In this article, we’ll answer your questions about what’s inside a golf ball, including how it’s made and all the different components within the ball.

How A Golf Ball Is Made?

You can choose from a few options to better fit your playing style because golf balls are now created employing a variety of different materials and techniques.

However, they all use essentially the same elements and have a similar construction concept.

Higher-quality golf balls typically have a more intricate design with more layers. Each layer gives a unique contribution to the golf ball’s performance and is carefully constructed.

As you can expect, these superior golf balls cost more and perform far better than basic ones.

Golf balls can be manufactured in a variety of different ways, but they are all identical in a few key areas because of a few laws that apply to golf ball creation, particularly in official events.

A golf ball needs to weigh no more than 1.62 ounces in order to comply with USGA rules. There is no maximum size, but the ball’s diameter cannot be less than 1.68 inches.

Other than that, golfers are free to select any kind of golf ball they like as long as the design suits their playing style and technique.

So What’s Inside?

Let’s move on to the question at hand: what exactly is inside a golf ball?

The answer is that, inside a golf ball, there is a core with layers and an outer cover that’s finished off with the classic dimples we all recognize on the typical golf ball.

When looking at a golf ball, we only see the surface dimples and the outer cover.

What we don’t see within the golf ball is one or several layers, and within those layers, the core of the ball.

The number of layers and the size of the core will depend on the brand of golf ball, the quality, and the construction type.

Higher performance balls will usually have more layers, while basic golf balls will have fewer.

You might be asking why each component of a golf ball exists and how it was created now that you are familiar with what a golf ball is made of and what its many elements are.

So let’s get into the details.


The golf ball’s core is similar to the engine in that it primarily determines the ball’s speed, distance traveled, and spin in both the long and short games.

The core is similar to an engine since the force needed to strike the ball is immediately transferred there (which is an injection-molded rubber).

There is a storage area for the force, which is then released to propel the ball forward.

Performance is determined by how the force is directed, which is affected by how the core is built.

A golf ball’s compression essentially reflects how hard or soft it is when it collides with the club head.

Therefore, a softer ball will compress more and a harder ball will compress less.

Golfers should consider the design and composition of the core because of this. For instance, golfers who swing quickly typically prefer a firmer ball.

However, it all depends on your method, your preference, and your level of experience.


There will be a layer or multiple layers between the core and the cover if the golf ball is multi-layered, which is more common the higher up the golf ball market you go.

Particularly in the short game, these layers help the ball spin more and give the player more control.

Golfers must consider the number of layers when selecting the correct ball for themselves since it impacts how the force of the hit reaches the core and is then redirected.



The golf ball’s cover is what we can see and feel, and it has the biggest impact on how the ball spins when it is struck by the clubhead, especially in the short game.

Because it is the first component to make contact with the golf club, the type of cover used has a significant impact on how well the ball performs.

Typically, your golf ball’s cover is constructed of urethane or surlyn.

Surlyn is highly resilient and is preferred for long-distance golf balls because they normally have less spin. On the other hand, urethane is slightly less resilient and softer, giving golfers a softer feel.

Urethane coverings, often found on more expensive products, offer higher spin rates, especially towards the greens.

Golfers will therefore take their time experimenting with many balls before settling on the one that best suits their game and technique.


The dimples are the pattern on the cover of the golf ball that gives it its recognizable look and feel.

They are used to increase the ball’s aerodynamic properties, which reduce the ball’s drag and boost speed, distance, and lift.

The dimple patterns and shapes vary based on the brand of golf ball you use.

There is no right or wrong answer, but there is no doubt that without them, the golf ball wouldn’t fly properly.

Final Thoughts

Believe it or not, the components of a golf ball all serve an important function, and what you can’t see on the outside actually helps determine the quality of the ball.

With this new golf ball (see also: What Is A Provisional Ball In Golf?)knowledge in mind, you can now begin to choose the right ball for your game.

Garratt Shmidt
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